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Sunday, March 20, 2016

Waiting for the snow melt.

If there is no struggle, there is no progress.   --Frederick Douglass

The water is receding, but we have warm weather next week, and snow melt will follow. That means we may go through this all again. I can handle it. For the most part the plants, trees and wild life will also be fine. Obviously the iris don't care at all.

Everything that was submerged is covered with a fine, clay like silt. I am anxious for another good rain to wash off the covering because I am pretty sure it will interfere with photosynthesis. It would be a shame to come through all this just to have mass death. I have hosed off what I can, but it
is impossible to do the whole yard.

The two ducks here, and the two geese at Fred and Clara's, continue to swim and feed between the houses and the river. I hope they will wait until after the second river rise to build nests and hatch ducklings and goslings. There is evidence of raccoon activity everywhere including these paw prints.

Sadly, not every creature made it to higher ground in time. There are so many dead worms on the ground! This slug was another victim probably living quite happily under a log somewhere. It simply could not move fast enough to escape. Almost 4" long and as thick as my thumb. It is now food for other creatures. 

The Trees are the happiest, all of them leafing out in that bright green color that we have not seen in a while. I can't plant my vegetable garden yet, and I am not sure if my peas and arugula are surviving under the water,( I think I will be surprised if they are ) but I can wait for the water to finally recede in April. Meanwhile, I am humbled by the play of death and survival that surrounds me. A reminder of our temporary existence. 

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