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Saturday, January 7, 2017

One more time with feeling

Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it. 
--Charles R. Swindol

It is still so fascinating to watch the water slowly creep in, to hear the sounds change for a while. The birds get quiet when it first begins because they too are mindful. Because this flood event is following so closely on the heals of the other and there has been some rain, there will be less bubbling under the house - it is as if there is a huge cavern under the house that is accessed by some very small holes along where the slab meets the foundation footing - it sounds like a bubbling cauldron. In a day the water will be rushing under the floodgates on the other side of the river and it will sound like a waterfall. Most of all, I am appreciating the warmer weather, although it will bring more snow melt. I will spare you more reflection pictures unless I see something that is illustrative or just different, however, everyone will appreciate this one: a beaver felled a tree last time, just before or after the water left. about 5 - 6" in diameter. The flood water will probably detach it from the stump.

Happy New Year to all. Water is a symbol of abundance, so I feel blessed in a weird way.

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