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Sunday, April 3, 2016


Spring is nature's way of saying, 'Let's party!'   --Robin Williams

When I read this quote, I laughed because it is so true. Then I realized who said it, I felt a little sad. He was one of the funniest men this world has known.

Lavender Iris, River Side of the
House,  April 2, 2016
My garden, because of the rain and the subsequent flood, is gorgeous. It is purely accidental. I take care of it, but this is just what happened this year. It is lush and green. All of the iris are blooming, the Chinese Gladiola look very healthy, and I will be surprised if I do not have a sea of orange blooms this summer competing with the red blooms of the cannas. The potato vine is blooming now, and one clump of lavender iris have four foot stalks nestled in the dark purple flowers of this bush. My mother's favorite iris, which is reddish brown, is blooming in two spots. It didn't bloom at all last year. My roses look like they are straight out of a gardening magazine. 

I have small artichokes  already. The Navel oranges are all blooming. The Jasmine is bright spring green and making a serious bid to take over my front porch, and every branch tip has flower bud. I think heaven must smell like Orange blossoms and Jasmine. The Blackberry vines are on a rampage of growth, I will be freezing berries this summer and making pies, jam and other goodies. I can already see Figs. OMG!!! Here we go again. I have spotted poison oak in two places I have never seen it before. It was lying in wait. 
Nasturtiums, fennel, pyritheum daisies, Grandpa Ott morning glory, 99 Cent store bulbs of all kinds, are up and ready to Party. Thank you Mother Nature. We need to be reminded that this is not our party, it is yours.

Rock On!!

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