"The mind, once expanded to the dimensions of larger ideas, never returns to its original size."
— Oliver Wendell Holmes: was an Associate Justice of
the Supreme Court of the United States
An old friend wrote to me and suggested I stop worrying about the daily post, and do what I can when I can. That was a bit of a relief to hear. Those of us who have been going to school, with deadlines, etc know how stressful it can be to hit those, while you are involved in the learning curve of learning something new. That deadline is a useful tool because it forces you to take what you have learned and use it, quickly, and usually that means you will hang on to the information. It is a kind of expansion such as the good Justice spoke of in the quote.
This is actually a class assignment from this past year in the spring, Design Fundamentals. I went into this class thinking OMG I am going to be so bored. But the review of principles, the reminder of color theory, all of those little things you need to know to make a good composition turned out to be a good boot in the butt. And the instructor and I went to the Academy of Art in San Francisco, me for my BFA, he for his MFA. So he raised the bar a bit for me.
This piece was a collage timeline. It begins in the left corner with a sun drawing from high school, and moves through postmarks, sketches and drawings to the Postmark that represents the start of school. I collect postmarks, and the square barcodes because they are interesting visually. I also collect stamps, and someday when I have some free time for fine art I am going to do some mixed media and collage pieces incorporating them. I did not draw the Sumo Wrestler or the Cat. The Sumo Wrestler alludes to a slide that we were shown in class that made us all laugh, which is why it is at the end of the sequence. And new to my posts, this one is for web only and will not expand to view detail. Sorry, I have become concerned about copyright infringement. ;-(
So until the next post.