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Monday, November 7, 2011

Day 5

"Good advertising does not just
circulate information. It penetrates the
public mind with desires and belief."
— Leo Burnett: was a renowned 20th century advertising executive
So before I post an image, I have a question. How do you feel about advertising on Blog pages? I have the option of having advertising on my blog page, something relevant to art, or something I feel needs illumination. The possibility is advertised to me as having the potential for making me a bit of money, I find that advertising everywhere is a bit mind numbing, and I don't pay attention anymore. Will you be irritated,  ignore it or offended if I include a line of advertising at the bottom of the page? Do you ever click on the Advert?
This is a final project for an online Adobe Illustrator class I took this summer (2011) It is an advertisement for KnoiseKnot, which is a device you could mount in your car, home or business. It is designed to stop the boom of bass speakers within 50 feet. It is complete fantasy. My complete fantasy. I had a lot of fun with the research and the design. I actually contacted a couple of sound engineers. The research yielded an important piece of information that is critical to why something like this has not been created. Bass sound waves exit a speaker like expanding, overlapping spheres or bubbles. In order the stop the bass sound, you have to stop the action of the speaker itself. I also discovered that loud bass sound waves are extremely disruptive, and can have a violent reaction on the human body. The Germans (Hitler and his group) experimented with extremely loud bass sound waves during WWII.  The irritation, combined with the physical pounding you feel when a car passes you with a loud bass is very real and not just a sociological reaction to the type of music. Mozart would have the same affect. 

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