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Saturday, December 3, 2011

A Beautiful Saturday in CA

"There comes a time when the mind
takes a higher plane of knowledge
but can never prove how it got there."
— Albert Einstein: was the father of modern physics
What is cool about this picture of a CA poppy is the critter in the middle. I think it is a grass hopper of some sort, I don't actually know. I think it is the extra something that makes the photo interesting. This is from 2008 and the first bloom of poppy seeds I scattered. 
The wind has died down, and from what I understand Sacramento was spared the worst, although we had a couple of days that were a reminder of who is in charge on the planet. Yesterday after noon was so warm and wonderful I raked leaves for three hours (yes there were actually that many leaves) until it got dark and cold. Blessings from nature. 

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