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Monday, February 23, 2015

My privilege

The privilege of a lifetime is being who you are.

This is the third time I have done this blog. This one blog. I think the ones that didn't have the right message have been abandoning ship. NO pictures or artwork for this one. I didn't have my cell phone with me which is why I was where I was in the first place. There are no accidents. 
I am aware that I have the privilege of living in a beautiful place, having a job I enjoy. And having friends that help me out. I can only hope to return the favor. I have a talent that I can use to the benefit of my church, and the causes I want to help with.  My passion for gardening allows me to help other people create gardens that can reach their potential. 
I continue to talk in this blog about how grateful I am, because everyday something happens that reminds me that I am in the perfect place, at the perfect time, doing exactly what I need to be doing, even when I think I am in the wrong place at the wrong time.
Today I discovered a tunnel under the freeway on the west side of Macy's that leads to Old Town Sacramento. It was built that way, there are signs. I left my cell phone at my friend Loras this weekend and Lora and I were meeting across from the Holiday Inn, in downtown Sac, and I wasn't sure what that meant. In the process of circumventing the hotel, I discovered the tunnel. I must take a walk with the little dog and see where it leads, how far the walk is and what is over there. 
Discovery and adventure are a privilege. 

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