I've learned in my life that it's important to be able to step outside your comfort zone and be challenged with something you're not familiar or accustomed to. That challenge will allow you to see what you can do.
J. R. Martinez
Sorry for the long absence. On Friday 13th in February, I had to see a neurologist to rule out that my extreme drowsiness, in particular when I am driving, was related to my seizure disorder. Most people don't even know I have a seizure disorder. I have not had a seizure in about 14 years. Better living through Pharmaceuticals.![]() |
"Chain link and its shadow" march 2015 |
My doctor, who is a great gal, was erring on the side of caution. The neurologist, confirmed that the drowsiness was NOT related to my seizure disorder, then proceed to tell me he was going to report my falling asleep at the wheel to the DMV. Well, I knew this would mean loosing my license for a while. I reminded him I was NOT falling asleep while driving, but was just getting more drowsy than I would like. I told him I thought it was related to my sleep apnea, or possibly my diet. When I told him "you realize I will probably loose my license" He looked right at me and said "Oh well, that's the way it goes." He said if they sent me a letter to come back and see me. Not a chance I will do that. Then he gave me a lab sheet for blood work including a test for narcolepsy. They are looking for a genetic marker. Bet you didn't know that narcolepsy runs in families? I had all the lab work sent to my regular doctor and my sleep doctor. We are still waiting for the results of the narcolepsy test.
But nothing can be done until we can PROVE that I am not falling asleep when I drive. I have to take my drivers test, AGAIN. This will be the third time in my life. I had my license suspended when I found out I had seizures in 1995. 4.5 years. Closer to public transportation, it was easier then. I was 20 years younger.
The paper work came about a month or so ago, and the wording keeps me from having to go back to the neurologist. They wanted it filled out by the doctor most familiar with my medical history, which rules out the neurologist. He saw me for 20 minutes, and made a decision based on some reflex tests.
I saw the sleep doctor asap, and we doubled my CPAP Pressure. He has to read the CPAP chip to see how well that change is working. Then I will probably go in for another expensive sleep test, followed by a waking test to see if I can stay awake while sitting in a chair doing nothing. The DMV website indicates a minimum of 3 months to resolve this. I turned in one set of paperwork to the DMV from my regular doctor showing we are working on the issue, but we could not stop the suspension of my license - on the 23rd of March I stopped driving.
My doctor in her wisdom set me up with a therapist to see for a while. I am angry about the whole thing and it is spilling over into other things, and affecting my ability to concentrate.
Now, that would be enough to stress most people out. But NOOOOOOO. I ended up in emergency with heart palpitations at the beginning of February. BEFORE I saw the Neurologist. I have had heart tests and am going in for a sonogram this Wednesday, with the test results on April 8. On March 4 I ran a red light at a camera intersection. I am waiting for my taxes to pay that.
And on the last two days before my driving privileges were revoked my car started acting up, and is in the shop, hopefully having a failed sensor replaced. The part has been in the car three months. Luckily I don't need the car, lol.
Now for the up side: My landlord, Fred, gives me a ride to work or the bus every day. We live 3 miles from the nearest bus stop. I live on a Levee road with no shoulders or I would ride my bike. Maybe, if my one bad knee could handle the exercise. Either he or his wife, Clara, pick me up at the closest bus stop. On Thursday nights my friend, Carol, picks me up at work. I stop and get a few groceries. My friend Patricia from church is giving me rides to medical appointments. Life is working. I am really taking time to be grateful for friends who are willing to spend time to do these things. There are things I cannot do, and life is not as spontaneous as before. But it is a bit less stressful. I can't go anywhere without assistance. I think all life's problems provide an opportunity to work on an issue. I am not good at asking for help, now I have no choice. I was over-committing myself, now I have to say no.
All in all I realize there is an opportunity for growth, a chance to explore other means of transportation and to see other parts of Sacramento that I would normally not see. Life is a game, and part of the fun is negotiating obstacles and challenges.
Perfect timing since Easter is about Rebirth. Hop, Hop!
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