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Sunday, February 15, 2015


To be without some of the things you want is an indispensable part of happiness.
Life has it's moments. Good days and bad, smooth roads and bumpy passages, minor challenges and and huge obstacles, times of still water and smooth sailing. I love this quote, it really speaks to my life. I do without things that most people would balk at. 
Out the back door
But I live here. 

For every bad day, bumpy passage,huge obstacle or patch of still water, I can walk out my back door and look at the river. I close my eyes and hear more birds than I can name. I listen to the quail.  I have a pair of great horned owls that live in our neighborhood: they roost in OUR trees. Every night Orion is out my front door. In the summer, most nights there is a cool delta breeze. I have a garden that feeds my soul. I have ample space to be creative. I have a variety of wonderful people in my life, a job I love, and a wonderful landlord who is also my friend. 

I don't have a lot of fancy stuff and gadgets, and life is hard sometimes because I choose to do without a full time job ( I have stopped looking: exercise in futility ). If I had it all, I would be bored.

But I live here, and I am so very grateful. 

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