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Friday, March 11, 2016

Water UP

The river flows at its own sweet will, but the flood is bound in the two banks. If it were not thus bound, its freedom would be wasted-Vinoba Bhave

March 7. 2016

The water has risen and will continue to rise until it breaches the first bank, then climbs up the second and begins its trip around the house and into the garage.  This is the result of a good rainy season, and snow melt. Warm rain melts snow. Most of these actions are just physics. 
This is the same shot from the same place on the
bank thecircle is all you can see of the little bush.
The arrow points to the left fork of the tree above,
  The arrow is pointing to the part at the top of the
picture frame that is actually out of site above

It is also part of how things work for humans to put off some of the last minutes things until they absolutely have to do them. I had about 1/2 of the stuff up, and because of the draught and the mis forecasting that has been occurring as of late, I certainly did not think we would be getting enough water to concern me. OOPS. 

The Sacramento river is now expected to crest at somewhere around 24 feet which puts a foot of water around my house. This means that both Fred, my landlord and I have already spent two days getting things up. Now there is the task of moving my washer, garage fridge, and other big heavy item that cannot be submerged at all to higher ground. And this will be happening tomorrow instead of Saturday as we had planned. It is a lot of work, but it forces both of us to liquidate stuff. Here are some photos to give you reference points. 
To the right of the hummingbird feeder at the bank
is whereI stand to take the photo of the tree
and little bush.  I am standing, for this shot, on
the third step from the bottom of my back stairs. 

What you see across the river are the flood gates for the Yolo bypass. The bridge has a two lane road, and a train track that runs to and from Woodland. 

It a couple of days the water will be a long expanse of water and the flood gates will remain closed. However there is a drop-off on the other side so some of the water will flow under the gates and sound like a waterfall. Stay Tuned! ;-)
There is a stump to the left  in the photo
 above, and I have Agapanthas planted here.
Usually it is a 15 foot drop to the water.
This is looking straight down. 

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