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Monday, March 14, 2016

A nice long drink.

The most lasting and pure gladness comes to me from my gardens. -Lillie Langtry

I like this quote because it is so how I feel. I am an artist, but my soul is a gardener. And when I look at all this water, despite how much work it creates, I rejoice for my garden. 

And now for some pictures:

This is the north lawn of my house. The lawn and path lead out to my other vegetable and herb garden and the area I fondly call the back forty. The top Photo is yesterday afternoon about 5 pm. The bottom picture was taken about 10 am today. This whole set is before and after photos.  
he fig tree area is familiar to friends, I have gatherings under it in the summer. It is a low spot so it filled in as soon as the water was high enough to get over the high spots. 
I have my car parked in the driveway just above the high water.with about two feet to spare behind the back tires. 
Moving down you can see how much water came in and eventually flowed into the garage, hence the need to get everything up off the floor that I could. 

 The front of the garage at 5 was wet but not flooded. I now have about 6 inches of water. 
The river level changed in less that 24 hours from 22.9 to 23.9.
This what the mess is. All of those are fairly big logs of cottonwood. They will get soaked and when the water moves out they will stay in place. This will probably be close to as high as the water gets give or take an inch or two.
And last but not least, before I went to bed last night I walked out on the back porch to see how much the water had come up. I heard this loud splash like a huge branch had fallen into the water. I was looking for ripples when I heard it again. BEAVER! They can be really destructive. But I saw him swimming down there and felt privileged anyway. 

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