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Friday, August 8, 2014

Time Flies

"It's frustrating when you hear you're overqualified. What do you say? 'But sir, I need this job!' "
Carmen Polson, 49, unemployed since May 2002

It takes an hour to fill out an online application depending on the company and site. You do all of this, send off your resume and hear the sound of a flushing toilet. I have tried every trick in the book. I send out on average of one app and resume a day. Despite my experience and work ethic --  nothing. It could be my skill set scares people off. Yeah, that Graphic Design degree means my emails and letters might look nicer. It means when I design a flier it is going to rock, not just sit on the wall. Everything that other candidate can do I can do just as well or better. I show up on time, I work hard and I have the quintessential reliable transportation. 
Did you know that when you google yourself, it includes  photos? Those nice social networking sites that encourage you to have a professional portrait. They can take one look at that portrait and tell if they want you to come and work for them. "Oh, darn. She is so qualified, but look, she is over 50." It is now possible to track someone back to their childhood, and see every where they have lived, worked, gone to school. Everything is right there. This is why I am pursuing self employment. I have too many skills, and I am not going to waste them. 
So just to get it out there: I am 60, I am damned talented, I am reliable to a fault. What exactly is it that you want again?
Smirking back atcha!!

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