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Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Spring is leaping

Piles of wood chips
The First Iris
Nothing on earth makes one believe in renewal and rebirth in whatever area of your life like the first flower of spring. I have been watching flowers bloom for almost two months. I find there are two, however, that signal "Spring is Here" for me: Iris and Calla Lilies. This is a photo of the first iris to bloom. The yard is now full of them. It appears to have been a good year for iris.

I was laid off in February, so while I am looking for another job I am working in my yard and doing other things that I have not had time for. I am feeling a sense of renewal and rebirth. I am rediscovering parts of my self that have been waiting for the right amount of time,  and opportunity. I am exploring a few new things: diving into reuse art with more enthusiasm,  and revisiting web design, hopefully for the last time.

This year I am rotating the vegetable garden and putting beans where the tomatoes were and planting new herbs. The spring onions are going in late because we had the tree guys in again, and we needed to move wood for them to chip, in addition to the dead trees they turned into chips. So no only do I have more space :->, I will have wood chips for my walkways. Those are two piles of wood chips from three dead Cottonwood trees on the river bank, plus the wood from the tree we pruned two years ago. I also have sun where it has not bee before. Not a bad thing!

The extra time I have on my hands has given me opportunity to investigate things I normally would not have time to do. There is luxury in not having to be anywhere specific. I finally visited Morning Sun Herb Farm in Vacaville, which I recommend highly. They have an assortment of herbs, vegetables, perennials, and stuff that will appeal to all gardeners. AND they have three very cute donkeys, and a cool Tuxedo Cat that sleeps on the counter at the register in a box. I went for two things - white sage and tarragon. Found both, and a few other things -- Life is good.

Have a great week. April Fools Day is in a week. Beware your jokester friends!

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