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Monday, June 29, 2015

Life at the Lemonade Stand Part 2

Things don't just happen in this world of arising and passing away. We don't live in some kind of crazy, accidental universe. Things happen according to certain laws, laws of nature. Laws such as the law of karma, which teaches us that as a certain seed gets planted, so will that fruit be. 
--Sharon Salzberg
If you believe in Karma, or even entertain the idea that it is possible given the way that physics works with laws of energy, then you eventually arrive at the conclusion that you and I are responsible for everything that happens to us in our lives. 

So this whole situation I find myself in with my drivers license is about something that I set in motion at some point in time. Hard to swallow sometimes.

Yesterday at church I found myself in a conversation with another church member who reminded me that Karma is released when you forgive the person "responsible" and of course forgive yourself. 

Tomorrow, June 30, at 10 am, I am going in for a Waking Maintenance Test. 40 minutes in a room with low light, no noise, no distractions, nothing to do. The object being to see how long I can stay awake. Then I have a two hour break, the the 40 minute test, two hour break, 40 minute test, two hour break, 40 minute test. with all the monitoring in place so I cannot leave the building to go for a walk. I have to bring food, and something to do. By the time it is all said and done I will be done around 6 pm.  My Friend Patricia is giving me a ride to and I am having ParaTransit come and get me.

Today my background "noise" is about forgiveness. tomorrow my thoughts will be about forgiveness. What I really want is my drivers license back, so if it means forgiving someone to do it, and since God is watching it has to be real, then I have some emotional and mental work to keep my mind busy tomorrow. 

To be continued ...

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