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Sunday, January 25, 2015

Letting go

I have, over my life, created quite a bit of artwork. I have given half of it away. It has always seemed the right thing to do. I will barter, but most of the time if a good friend really likes a piece, then they get to take it home. The other half of my work is sitting in flat files and under my bed, or in large boxes. I have of late been trying to send thank you notes that are hand drawn. That is what this series of suns are. Thank you notes to good friends. 

Citrus Sun
Duality Sun

Each one is different. I don't over think them and I don't spend 60 hours on them, but I do try to make them clean and concise. 


Recently I had an epiphany about material possessions that is going to allow me to start relieving myself of a few unessential items. Now anyone who has been to my house knows that I have a lot of ... STUFF. Collectables, glass bottles, Chotkies everywhere. A lot of family and sentimental items. Jewelry goes on and on. I collect stuff to use in reuse projects. I am so far behind on projects that it is depressing and that is exactly what it is doing: depressing me. So I am going to start liquidating the collection. I am anticipating freedom. 

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