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Monday, July 15, 2013


Onions and beets
Yellow onions in the ground
Black berries ripening

Care less for your harvest than for how it is shared and your life will have meaning and your heart will have peace.
Kent Nerburn 

I like this quote a lot. I try to share what I grow. Whereas my red onions were a dismal failure, the yellow ones have been a great success. Good size, all healthy, not too hot. They fell over about two weeks ago, and I have just now had time to pull them . The beets are an ongoing harvest but some were getting a little bit big. The smaller tender ones went to my landlords', while the larger ones were steamed and put into a batch of pickled Eggs and Beets for a friend. I have been picking and freezing black berries for a month now. I freeze them on a cookie sheet, which keeps the berries separate, and easier to work with. The black berry bushes are a nuisance, they grow everywhere, and require constant pruning, but the taste of a warm black berry is divine. They have more antioxidants than blue berries. The dog likes them too. 

The Sunflowers are easily 12 feet tall, and the corn has ears. Remember the beans and squash I planted with the corn? Well for all my earnest efforts, they are struggling for sunshine. So "Three Sisters" has not worked well for me. My peppers are starting to produce. The basil is trying to flower, Ha! I am too quick. I have found I like it chopped in salad. I have been enjoying the collard greens now for a couple of weeks. I am going to have a lot of fennel seed. The lettuce did well despite the extremely hot weather. That was nice. 

I love having a garden. It is everything that is good about life. 

Happy Summer!

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