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Sunday, May 19, 2013

Notes from the garden

Gopher plant, about 5 ft tall

Everything that slows us down and forces patience, everything that sets us back into the slow circles of nature, is a help. Gardening is an instrument of grace.

May Sarton 


Gardening has always been my first love.  Regardless of what is going on in my life I always find time for the things that need to be done in the garden. I will admit that in my twenties I spent a lot more time doing artwork than I do now. But the important pieces are all plants and flowers. Now I am likely to be out in the yard as not. Many of the photos I take are reference for drawings to be done when I can no longer be as active as I am now. 

I am fortunate to live in a truly wonderful little house on the Sacramento River. It is surrounded by a large piece of property with huge old Oaks and Cottonwoods. I have Great Horned Owls, and Quail in addition to the numerous small and large birds of the area. I see Coyote from time to time. I have a vegetable garden. Everything in the vegetable garden has chicken wire around it  -- Raccoons and Possums. I see where they have been out having a party, digging for worms and grubs.  What I have noticed this year is how some of the insects are out in force. It has to be because of the mild winter we had.  I have pulled two Ticks off/out of me, and a third today crawling up my leg. I have never seen the sheer volume of Oak Leaf moth that I have seen this spring. Groups of twenty or thirty  at a time when I hand water, flying up to escape. Every tree, every bush has shown the ravages of Caterpillar presence. The Mosquitos were very bad a month ago, but have tapered off (Thank the Lord). The Crickets and Frogs at night are the best sound to fall asleep to. Amazing that such small creatures can make such large sounds. 

The early heat means that this year all of the iris bloomed, that was a first. But they are long done. The big, white Calla's are done, but the smaller pinky-purple ones are just coming up. The African Daisy is heading into a second bloom cycle. the Chinese Gladiolas are no doubt going to put on an amazing show. I expect a sea of orange out there in late June. I just transplanted two Giant Bird of Paradise and know they won't bloom this year, but with any luck, they will next year. Some of the roses have done something, I think they are waiting and will attempt another show.  If it sounds like a lot of work, it is a a lot of work. 

And there is no where else I would rather be. I hope you have a garden of your own, however small. It will always rejuvenate your soul. 

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