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Sunday, March 17, 2013

"Guy with the tree in his head" 2010
The challenge was to catch an image that in one minute before or after would not exist. I looked over from my car, and snapped the photo just as the light had changed. I didn't even see this for what it was at the time. It is weird, and great at the same time. I had spent the entire day looking for an opportunity like this and found it just a couple of miles from home.

When you are asked if you can do a job, tell 'em, 'Certainly I can!' Then get busy and find out how to do it.

Theodore Roosevelt

Now if I am pretty sure I can do something, especially Design and Illustration work, some Photography then I will indeed say yes and just get to work. But if I don't, well that is a different story.

Recently, I came face to face the something that I know I will never tackle as a full blown aspect of being a Graphic Designer. I don't do Web Design. After taking the class two times I have decided to stay with what I do best. I am not going to create a masterful Web page for myself. I am putting my work into an online portfolio service. I am going to draw, design, make great images and illustrations. I am going to leave the Web Design to the people who love to do it. I understand it, but do it as part of my job? No, I just don't want to spend the time to learn it to the degree that I do it well. There are so many people out there who love it and who will do a great job. 

Me,  I draw well, am great with color and design. I can work big or small. I am competent with Adobe Suite. I can do what needs to be done to get a piece Where it needs to go. I can use all sorts of creative techniques and work with many different materials. And within that context I can do just about anything. Or I can figure it out. 

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