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Tuesday, July 24, 2012

     I Like this quote I dislike this quote

“If we can recognize that change and uncertainty are basic principles, we can greet the future and the transformation we are undergoing with the understanding that we do not know enough to be pessimistic.”

I am living in an area where there are not many jobs in the Graphic Design field. So I love what this woman says, because it is so true. I believe we as a species are going to come out of this period of turmoil and change stronger, smarter and more advanced. Will I see it.? No but I will see what leads up to peace and harmony. 

One of the things I remember and it is a metaphor in this world wide situation when I am drawing is that it is the areas of change that define an object, shape or area. You can have a completely solid black shape and it is that part of the surface that changes from dark to light that tells you what it is. I think that is true of people too if you want to know who someone is watch how they change under pressure, or in a situation that challenges them. It will give them definition within that context, and from that you will know them more completely. Change is the best thing that can happen. 

No artwork tonite.


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